Governor Lee Appoints Hash Hashemian to Nuclear Advisory Council
In May 2023, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed Executive Order 101 to create the Tennessee Nuclear Energy Advisory Council to drive innovation and investment in nuclear energy. This week, Gov. Lee has appointed Dr. Hash Hashemian, President of Analysis and Measurement Services Corporation (AMS), to the Tennessee Nuclear Energy Advisory Council as a Representative of the Nuclear Industry. In this role, Dr. Hashemian will serve alongside other members to lead the nation in nuclear energy by supporting legislative, policy and budgetary changes to expand nuclear facilities, federal actions for Tennessee to pursue with federal partners, and storage and waste practices that conserve Tennessee’s natural resources, among other initiatives.
Dr. Hashemian has 45 years of experience in development and delivery of industry-leading instrumentation and control system testing and analysis equipment, training, and services.

He holds three doctorate degrees including a Ph.D. in nuclear engineering and is the author or co-author of 22 U.S. patents, three technical books, and nearly 400 journal articles, conference papers, and technical reports. In addition to serving as President of AMS, Dr. Hashemian is a Fellow of the American Nuclear Society, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and the International Society of Automation, and is an adjunct professor of nuclear engineering at the University of Tennessee.
“I am honored to be appointed as a Representative of the Nuclear Industry to the Tennessee Nuclear Energy Advisory Council by Gov. Lee,” said Dr. Hashemian. “I look forward to working alongside my colleagues to promote and support nuclear energy initiatives in the state of Tennessee and the nation. Safe, clean, and reliable nuclear energy is necessary to meet the country’s net-zero goals, and I’m excited to be working with the great State of Tennessee in support of that mission.”