EMI and RFI Troubleshooting

For example, a nuclear facility recently had a pressure transmitter experiencing intermittent spiking which was causing issues with the pressure readings in the control room. AMS was brought on-site to help determine the root cause of the issue and provide recommendations on how to mitigate it. After reviewing the system and acquiring various electrical measurements, AMS was able to determine that the source of the “noise,” or interfering EMI, was a failing metal-halide light bulb. AMS provided recommendations on how to harden the system to any future EMI/RFI related problems as well as a suggestion to replace the lightbulb with a comparable LED unit with a lower radiated emissions profile.

Other common systems troubleshooted by AMS include control systems, differential pressure transmitters, temperature sensors, nuclear instrumentation, area radiation monitors, relays, switches, and many other types of electrical and I&C equipment.