
President and Chief Executive Officer of Analysis and Measurement Services Corporation (AMS), Dr. H.M. “Hash” Hashemian has been nominated by the Board of Directors of the American Nuclear Society (ANS) as one of two candidates for election to the position of vice president/president-elect for the upcoming 2020–2021 term year. A long-standing member of ANS since 1985, Dr. Hashemian is an ANS Fellow and has served as chair and co-chair on numerous technical program committees for ANS, including General Chairman for ANS’s 9th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation, Control and Human–Machine Interface Technologies (NPIC&HMIT) in 2015.
A globally recognized expert in peaceful applications of nuclear energy, Dr. Hashemian lectures frequently around the world in the areas of nuclear power plant instrumentation and control (I&C) process systems. As President and CEO of AMS, his technical and operational vision and leadership have enabled AMS to play a key role in ensuring the safe and cost-efficient operation of virtually every U.S. nuclear power plant, as well as many in Europe and Asia. Dr. Hashemian holds three doctorate degrees in nuclear, electrical, and computer engineering and is the author of three books on I&C process maintenance. His books have been translated into Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Russian. In addition, he is the author or co-author of 20 U.S. patents (19 awarded and 1 pending) and has written more than 350 papers and reports, including guideline documents and standards for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), and International Society of Automation (ISA). Dr. Hashemian has served as a keynote speaker, chairman, and co-chairman of numerous national and international conferences and committees and serves as an adjunct professor of nuclear engineering at the University of Tennessee.
“I am deeply humbled to be considered for this position of president-elect of the American Nuclear Society,” said Dr. Hashemian. “ANS is one of the nuclear power industry’s most respected and distinguished organizations. It is a great honor to be recognized for my lifelong dedication to the industry.”