AMS Attends the 2022 Molten Salt Reactor Workshop at ORNL
Four representatives from AMS attended the 2022 Molten Salt Reactor Workshop at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) earlier this month. This was the eighth annual meeting and AMS attends nearly every year. This year, Dr. Hash Hashemian (President), Mr. Alex Hashemian (Senior Engineer), Dr. Jake Houser (Senior Engineer), and Mr. Adam Deatherage (Applications Engineer) attended to receive updates on recent developments related to molten salt reactor (MSR) specific issues, such as salt corrosion chemistry, non-proliferation and safeguards by design considerations for salt-fueled MSRs, modeling and simulation, licensing, salt properties test measurements and database development, and pump technologies. Additionally, the AMS team was able to network with attendees from the U.S. Department of Energy, national laboratories, universities, and industry, as well as MSR developers.
After the event, AMS hosted a team from Seaborg Technologies and provided a tour of AMS facilities and laboratories. Seaborg is a company based out of Copenhagen, Denmark that is currently working on a Compact Molten Salt Reactor (CMSR) Power Barge. Their Power Barge design will be able to deliver up to 800 MW of electricity with a 12-year fuel cycle. They also have the goal of reusing their own waste to close their fuel cycle.
We look forward to using our expertise in instrumentation and control (I&C) system sensor specification, qualification, and testing to benefit MSR designs, such as the CMSR, as developments with these technologies continue.
You can learn more about AMS I&C performance testing on our website or by emailing info@ams-corp.com. To stay up to date on conferences and workshops we are attending, be sure to follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.